Thursday, March 18, 2010
Biosolid's not waste afterall
We already know that biosolids are used as valuable fertilizer. Therefore, instead of taking up extra space in a landfill site or disposal facility, they can be put to much better use rather than having its fertilizer capability go to waste. Biosolids are used on farms and in gardens because applying biosolids reduces the need to apply chemical fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers are not the best option because excess applications of them tend to travel into groundwater, streams, lakes and eventually oceans thanks to the rain and irrigation. This results in pollution and damage to the natural environment. By using biosolids for agricultural use of crops, it has been found that they meet quality criteria and help to produce significant improvements when it comes to crop growth as well as yield.
Of course, biosolids contain many nutrients which exhibits the reason for their benefits as a fertilizer. These nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. They also contain elements which include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, sulfur and zinc. All these nutrients and elements are helpful towards the growth and production of agriculture. Biosolids also reduce costs for farmers. Their production costs decrease and organic matter which has been depleted over time can be replenished thanks to biosolids. It increases the ability of soil to absorb and store moisture, therefore, strengthening its soil structure. Biosolids are used by crops efficiently. This is because the plant nutrients which biosolids contain are slowly released throughout the growing season, enabling crops to absorb these plant nutrients easily during growth.
Biosolids are also able to reestablish vegetation at mine sites. The organic matter and nutrients in biosolids reduce the bioavailability of toxic substances as well as regenerate soil layer. Biosolids can even be used to benefit forestry. Timber is a very important natural resource. They increase timber growth enabling more efficient harvests. Biosolids can be composted, sold and distributed. These composted biosolids can be used for lawns and gardens in homes and are easy to use.
An estimated 50% of all biosolids are recycled to land. As produced in a report in 2001 by the Water Environment Association of Ontario, it has been stated that biosolids are safe, conservative and do not show any significant risk to the environment or the health of humans if practices are followed properly.
Biosolids, as you might have guessed have a distinctive, smelly odor. They odor depends on the type of treatment it has undergone. Biosolids can smell only slightly disturbing or smell strongly disgusting to people. This odour is mostly caused by compounds of plant nutrients sulfur and ammonia. Though the smell can be reduced through management techniques, you cannot get rid of it completely and weather conditions can spread the odor.
Another disadvantage of biosolids is metals. Many metals may be essential for plant growth, however, there is a concern that large quantities of them can create problems for plants and animals. Therefore, the 503 regulations placed limitations on the amounts of metal which can be used for land application. These limits were created based on the lowest amount of a metal that would create a health problems for humans, plants and animals.
Too much of anything is not good. Over application of fertilizer nutrients can cause problems. For example, if the soil cannot store all of the nutrients, excess nitrogen or phosphorous can be absorbed by the surface/ground water. Over applications of nitrogen can lead to high nitrate concentrations in plants which can kill animals that eat it. However, nutrient management plans can help to use biosolids with other fertilizers to prevent this.
Pathogens (disease-producing agents) are a concern as well. However, there's a solution to those as well. Some biosolids are extensively treated to make sure there are no pathogens. Other biosolids are treated to reduce pathogen levels as well as well as they are to be used with soil to mix it up.
Therefore, my take on biosolids is that they are good for our soils, even though they come with risks because after all, they are just RISKS and CONCERNS. Even though there are cons in the first place, they all have ways to reduce the potential to harm humans, plants and animals. Plus, biosolids have the ability to enhance plant growth, add nutrients to soil and restore mine sites instead of taking up extra space at a landfill site.
The stakeholders in this issue are the farmers, gardeners and the rest of us. Farmers decide whether they want to use biosolids for their crops and soil or not. Gardeners decide the same thing when it comes to their plants and the rest of us decide the same when it comes to our lawns since biosolids are safe to use. The choice is our own :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Technology for the Body
Due to all of the importance and realization that our bodies need to stay healthy if we want to live long and happily, scientific and technological developments have been created in order to HELP us do so:
A common problem which people have which relates to their respiratory system is asthma. Asthma is caused by chronic inflammation of the lungs where the bronchi are narrowed, inflamed and swollen, making it much more difficult to breathe than it should be. Symptoms include wheezing, a tight chest, difficulty with speaking and coughing. Though it is very common and usually does not lead to deaths, it still can for it can lead to more deadly, painful diseases such as Respiratory Disease. Luckily, victims of asthma can be helped! Besides avoiding asthma triggers such as smoke and cold air, there are prescribed asthma preventer medications which are to be taken even if symptoms of asthma are not felt because an asthma attack can occur unexpectedly. Inhalers, also known as puffers are medication which is easy to take. With every puff, the correct amount of medicine gets inhaled into your lungs. There are puffers appropriate for daily intakes as well as puffers required for emergency intakes. Sometimes when it is not recommended for a child to use an inhaler, they can use a ventilator. The ventilator is attached to a mask which the victim wears. Two medicines are ventilated into the body. The first to open up the airways and the second to kill bacteria.
When it comes to the digestive system, it is common for people to struggle with bowel movements every now and then. SmartPill, a new wireless sensor has been created to monitor the human body. It is able to be swallowed just like a pill. It has been able to diagnose a disorder called gastroparesis which causes the stomach to empty very slowly. The wireless sensor pill sends information through a radio transmitter about the amount of time its journey takes, acidity and pressure levels. Acidity level can help determine when the capsule enters and exits the stomach. A receiver collects the data and the disposable capsule is excreted within about two days. The patient is then to return the capsule to the doctor for analysis.
I'm glad and feel satisfied with the developments regarding our internal systems. Technology for our bodies' internal systems has come a long way and done good for the sake of bettering our lives. Thanks to scientific and technological developments, peoples' lives have been saved and diseases/sicknesses have been cured. Without all of this help, there could have been more situations where humans that were suffering from a sickness could not make it due to lack of the right developments. There are definitely a ton of benefits our body has been and can continue to receive thanks to technology and scientific research.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Artificial Selection
Animal breeders often change the characteristics of domestic animals by deciding which two animals should reproduce with each other. Of course, the animals or plants whose qualities and characteristics are more desirable will be reproduced more. Their numbers will increase while the animals or plants which have less desired qualities and characteristics will decrease for they won't be nourished as well.
For example with plants, if their traits are not desired, they will not be provided with the necessary fertilisers and pesticides to help them survive as well as they potentially could. The species will become unbalanced.
Humans want to get the best traits and therefore, mass reproduce and artificially select for these traits to be obtained. Artificial selection is quite harmless but like anything else, if you do too much of it, it will have long-term effects and can create dramatic changes.
Artificial selection holds many potential applications in the field of medicine. These areas include stem cell research, genetic conditions and medicine production.
Stem cells have the ability to become any body cell and can match each individual perfectly. Artificial selection benefits stem cell research so that only the best stem cells are selected. Once stem cells are allowed to differentiate into organs, the best organs can be selected. Therefore, the recipient the best possible benefit.
For those who have genetic conditions, artificial selection offers hope for them through DNA therapy. In DNA therapy, a normal gene is placed into a virus genome which is introduced to the affected human after becoming harmless. These viruses are able to integrate normal human DNA into the human cells expressions so that the defected protein can be replaced by the one necessary and appropriate. Humans are able to use artificial selection to breed the best viruses in order to create the best protein and therefore, introduce then to individuals so they can function normally. DNA vaccines have the same concept.
Some medications are created by genetically modified bacteria. Artificial selection technology allows for the breeding of viruses to be created at a fast rate, improving the efficiency of drug and medicine production.
Artificial selection will be able to provide plenty of long-term as well as long lasting benefits in the for our investment in it when it comes to the field of medicine including all listed above: stem cell research, genetic conditions and medicine production.
Artificial selection can be inhuman as well as cause mutations which can lead to new problems.
Though it has its benefits, the aftermath of artificial selection isn't always pleasant for the plant or animal. An example of this inhumane process is the new way of breeding chickens. Humans have them reproduced without feathers. This is not good for the chickens because chickens without feathers tend to suffer more than normal birds. For males, they may be restraint from mating since they cannot flap their wings. Also, not only chickens but birds in general, are more susceptible to parasites, harmful insects, and sunburn without if they do not have feathers.
Through artificial selection, you never know when a mutation will occur. New mutations can be good, bad, or not even make a difference. Mutations create evolutionary consequences if passed on to the next generation. Some mutations can actually be very harmful.
The circumstances which lay out what's acceptable or not require not going too far. It is amazing that our world has the technology to select artificially. It has its very beneficial advantages pertaining to potential applications in the field of medicine: stem cell research, genetic conditions and medicine production. But it also has its disadvantages: inhumanity and mutations. I think that as long as humans don't take it to far by considering what other side effects would occur, artificial selection is a good thing and worth the risks because the benefits of artificial selection involve further research and therapy for humans.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Designer Babies
Not very long ago, creating a baby was simple and didn't require much thought. But today, parents can gain access to the latest technology to test genes and determine their baby's sex beforehand. It is said that scientists are planning on enhancing gene modification to the extent that a great amount of attributes could be chosen for the baby. These attributes include the probability of their height, their body type, hair and eye colour, and even what illnesses they will be naturally resistant to, their IQ and type of personality. Parents may even be able to use the possibility of gene therapy enhancement in the future to take out undesired traits they have for their baby and put in the ones they want. Parents may begin to start "shopping" for their babies instead of creating them naturally and God-made. Are humans taking this all too far when it comes to genetic modification and selection?
How are babies "designed"? Since females contain 2 X chromosomes, it is up to the male who carries an X and a Y chromosome to determine the gender of the baby. Y chromosomes have less DNA than X chromosomes. By staining the sperm's DNA with a nontoxic light-sensitive dye in order to sort the sperms by gender. This process is risky for society however, because places such as China or India already favour one gender. Therefore, if they are able to choose favourably which gender or attributes they prefer, society will become so unequally balanced! That sounds a lot like creating robots or superkids not babies.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Stewards? No.
More human activity related factors negatively affecting biodiversity are acidification of terrestrial and aquatic habitats, pollution including fossil fuels and coal mining, global warming, responses to natural disaster, desertification, manipulation of genetics in plants and animals, and much more.
At least 40 per cent of the world’s economy and 80 per cent of the needs of the poor are derived from biological resources. In addition, the richer the diversity of life, the greater the opportunity for medical discoveries, economic development, and adaptive responses to such new challenges as climate change.
— The Convention about Life on Earth, Convention on Biodiversity web site.
The common insects, bees are crucial agricultural workers. One third of our fruits and vegetables would not exist without bees and other insects pollinating flowers. The primary species for fertilizing plants are the honeybees. However they have recently suffered dramatic declines mostly due to human actions. There are 130, 000 plants which bees have to pollinate. The job of the bees is more important than poultry when it comes to nutrition. Since the bees are essential for pollinated a great mass of plants, animals suffer as well. When the bee population declines and becomes unable to fertilize plants, plant-eating animals lose a number of plants to feed on affecting the rest of the organisms in the food chain like the carnivores, herbivores, etc.
Humans are not very good stewards of the world- though they are given the power and the highest capability to be stewards. If fact, humans are so bad at being in charge of the world and its environment that biodiversity is continuously decreasing, putting all organisms eventually at risk.
Biodiversity in a Changing World
Scientific Facts of Biodiversity
Why is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares?