Monday, March 8, 2010

Technology for the Body

Human bodies need to take care of a lot in order to stay alive, healthy and satisfied. With the wants and needs for societal concerns comes scientific and technological developments for the systems inside of our bodies. Humans just want to be happy knowing they are healthy. The most obvious, well-known ways to stay or become healthy are to eat nutritiously and to active. Everyone knows that. However, sometimes we need a little help when we get too lazy or when are can't find the motivation. What goes on in the insides of our body is actually more important than the outside. What happens inside our bodies is what really affects us. When we feel a headache or fever, or get a rash or an infection, results may appear on the outside however, those are just the signs and symptoms of what's going on inside.

Due to all of the importance and realization that our bodies need to stay healthy if we want to live long and happily, scientific and technological developments have been created in order to HELP us do so:

A common problem which people have which relates to their respiratory system is asthma. Asthma is caused by chronic inflammation of the lungs where the bronchi are narrowed, inflamed and swollen, making it much more difficult to breathe than it should be. Symptoms include wheezing, a tight chest, difficulty with speaking and coughing. Though it is very common and usually does not lead to deaths, it still can for it can lead to more deadly, painful diseases such as Respiratory Disease. Luckily, victims of asthma can be helped! Besides avoiding asthma triggers such as smoke and cold air, there are prescribed asthma preventer medications which are to be taken even if symptoms of asthma are not felt because an asthma attack can occur unexpectedly. Inhalers, also known as puffers are medication which is easy to take. With every puff, the correct amount of medicine gets inhaled into your lungs. There are puffers appropriate for daily intakes as well as puffers required for emergency intakes. Sometimes when it is not recommended for a child to use an inhaler, they can use a ventilator. The ventilator is attached to a mask which the victim wears. Two medicines are ventilated into the body. The first to open up the airways and the second to kill bacteria.

When it comes to the digestive system, it is common for people to struggle with bowel movements every now and then. SmartPill, a new wireless sensor has been created to monitor the human body. It is able to be swallowed just like a pill. It has been able to diagnose a disorder called gastroparesis which causes the stomach to empty very slowly. The wireless sensor pill sends information through a radio transmitter about the amount of time its journey takes, acidity and pressure levels. Acidity level can help determine when the capsule enters and exits the stomach. A receiver collects the data and the disposable capsule is excreted within about two days. The patient is then to return the capsule to the doctor for analysis.

I'm glad and feel satisfied with the developments regarding our internal systems. Technology for our bodies' internal systems has come a long way and done good for the sake of bettering our lives. Thanks to scientific and technological developments, peoples' lives have been saved and diseases/sicknesses have been cured. Without all of this help, there could have been more situations where humans that were suffering from a sickness could not make it due to lack of the right developments. There are definitely a ton of benefits our body has been and can continue to receive thanks to technology and scientific research.



  1. Hi Amanda,
    First and foremost I have to say I envy you for completing ALL of your bioblog's. I still have one more to go, which isn't bad. But, good job on completing all your blogs!
    I have to agree, it's the inside of our bodies that matter the most! Not the outside. Many of us take our health for granted. It reminds me of a video that I saw on youtube the other day of a man who has no arms, and only one leg, yet he goes out everyday and lives his life to the fullest. It was inspiring. He also goes school to school and talks to children, inspiring them that anything is possible! ANYWAYS, back to your blog! I enjoyed reading about the SmartPill. I have come across the SmartPill before, but I wasn't totally imformed on how it exactly works. Now I know (: Great blog Amanda!

  2. Dear Amanda,
    Your blog was very insightful, as usual.
    I learned a lot from it, especially about the ventilator and smart pill. I was unaware the smart pill was a receiver that collected data, that is brilliant. It reminds me of that episode of Magic School Bus, where the kids shrink down into a submarine and enter a person's body microscopically! I definitely agree with you that our bodies are such an important part to our lives; they harness our soul, and without them, we cannot live. It is amazing how far technology has come and how much it has benefited humanity.
    Awesome blog Amanda.
    Congratulations on completing all your bio blogs.


  3. Hi Amanda!

    I like that you covered on the issue of asthma and what technology has done to help solve such a widespread problem. The inhaler is so underestimated for how much it has helped with this sickness and I appreciate that you make it so significant. I also like that you talked about the SmartPill. I never knew that sensors could be that size! Very interesting indeed! Great work on the blogs and congratulations on finishing every single one of them! If only you can sense the jealousy in the air. LOL!

  4. Hey Amanda.
    I thought you covered the problem of asthma very well in your blog. Puffers, or asthma inhalers have eased the lives of people suffering from asthma (like my brother). The picture of the little girl using the spacer and inhaler reminded me of when my little brother had to use it when he was a toddler. I got a little envious because it looked really cool and fun but I was never allowed to try it...ANYWAYS, your blog about technology benefitting our health and lives has opened my eyes to the developments regarding our internal systems. It is true that technology for our bodies' internal systems has come a long way and has done good for the sake of bettering our lives. I fully agree that due to scientific and technological developments, peoples' lives have been saved and diseases/sicknesses have been cured.
    Good job, Amanda! <3

  5. Hey Amanda,
    I like how you covered all the areas the topic suggested: respiratory, digestive, and circulatory. Technology is amazing, isn't it?

    SmartPill sounds rather cool! Although I wouldn't want to have bowel movements which is required to use the pill...and returning it to the doctor after excreting it is not a very happy prospect. Hahahaha

    Great blog :)

  6. Hey Amanda,
    I thought your blog was very well organized. It showed the specific technologies for each body system. It was also interesting learning about the twin medicine dispenser in the ventilator. That's pretty efficient. It saves time which can be wasted either waiting in hospitals or wainting rooms. The smart pill is interesting too although i wish it could be developed one step further so that it could actually release medication into the patient's body from the inside. But if the technology is advancing like it has been for the past few years, it will soon be a reality. Well great blog and I hope my ideas were insightful.

  7. Hi Amanda!
    I found your blog very informative. I had never heard of the SmartPill. The concept is pretty interesting, your doctor can assess your illness without being too invasive. We have already come so far with our advancements in technology, I can't imagine what we will come up in another 20 years.
    Great job on you blog Amanda!
